Happy Sunday! I just read the home teaching suggestion on the churches website and felt such a deep connection to the words that he spoke of prayer and the power it has. I know without a doubt in my heart and mind that prayer is powerful and one of the best things to do when in need. My prayers, I feel, are often asking for the same thing in different ways...but I have come to realize that my needs and prayers are just as powerful one day as they are the next and Heavenly Father listens and answers those prayers just the same! It is my fervent prayer that I can be a loyal, loving, and best wife that I can be for Kurt and that we have an always happy and healthy family. I pray that our good doings may help uplift others and that we will always strive to be there for one another. I also pray that we will find the strength to be the good leader and example for our future children as God would have us be.
I must confess that my life is full of bumps...I could even say pot holes and drain sewers, that I constantly fall into. I mess up alllllllll the time! But I know that Heavenly Father loves me just the same-flaws and all-so there's no need to give up trying to do better and praying for the strength to overcome it all!
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