Friday, April 13, 2012

The Dragonfly Inn/ Frost B&B

Gilmore Girls- quintessential quaintness of the purest form through wit and rhetoric. And never-you-mind that ridiculously amazing B&B, The Dragonfly Inn. Of which, is what my dreams are made of. Breakfast, no doubt is the first thing I think of when I wake up and for sure the best meal of the day. I am queen of breakfasts in our house and by queen, I mean, I make it and eat it by myself because the hubbs isn't interested.

 What the what? Any who...

 Owning a B&B would be stressful and so very rewarding. It would combine my love of all things Martha Stewart (organizing, gardening, decorating, planning, etc.) with Kurt's expertise in all things restaurant. I love the idea and hope to one day make it reality.

Do you have something you dream of one day accomplishing?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Turning 25, and Other Mind-Boggling Things...

Each year up 'till now has felt like another day has past... blah blah blah, NO! I don't feel older!

 It was not a change that I had geared up for, wished for, or even thought was possible. But this time around, when I woke up on the day of my birthday to get ready for lunch with my hubby and parents, I actually felt older. My thoughts and moods were different. I have always had a little meloncholy-ness on my birthday (thougth, I've tried very hard in the past to not feel that way) and this time around, from the literal minute I woke up April 7th 2012, I felt older.

 Very strange, but very welcomed!

 To more explicetly explain it, I feel like I have more of a right to be who I am without explaination. I'm determined to maintain and grow from here and develop those skills that I know God has given me to use on Earth for a more devine cause. Family and friends are not just cool, they are necessary for my ultimate happiness and sucess. I'm so very gratefull for the wonderfull time I have had in the past two days, staring with my birthday and then again on Easter. Kurt and I thank our lucky stars to have such close families who actually like eachother and get along on a regular basis!

 Letter to my husband:

 And to my dear, loving, husband, I could not ask for more. You are simply amazing. I am so blessed to call you my lifetime friend and partner. You spoil me to the bone, and for that, you have no one but yourself to blame! :) I enjoy every minute with you and am looking forward to the day when we sit in our rocking chairs on 50 acres of land thinking about our memories.

 I could not ask for more.
 I love you forever and always.
 My eternal compainion and best friend.
 I'm your's forever baby.
 Love, Your quirky wife. (smelly cat, smelly cat)
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