Saturday, October 10, 2009


So...I remembered this picture of our wedding cake and I can't wait until we eat the last layer (that was on top) which is chocolate cake with raspberry filling!!!! I loooovvveedd our cake so much! My friend who makes cakes make it for us and I hardly gave her anything to go by...I basically told her the colors and I wanted a "lace accent". She was a little disgusted at me with my lack of description...which is usual, but she read my mind and when I saw it, I just about died! Thank you Faith and I can't wait to eat our last layer....the piece I had at the wedding was beyond delicious!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

So Girly!

I'm not too sure if it's because I'm now a wife and something in my brain cortex is being secretly and inadvertently drawn to uber-sensitive, girly, chick lit, chick movies, and things of my childhood-like Disney movies! Sure, I've always been drawn to shows and books that have a somewhat disjointed romantic plot weaved within them, but geesh...I've really hit the female hormone overload! My face hasn't graced the pristene silencing walls of a library in years for other than the occasional school text book and just a few days ago I went bras-to-the-walls and borrowed three whole novels (each one long enough to take me six months to read) and one by Bill Crosby called "Come On People!" Now that I have this overwhelming stack of hardcover books staring at me everyday, I have made a plan to take two back and keep one novel "Shoe Addicts Anonymous" -totally chick lit, and the Bill Crosby book- to make me feel like maybe I'm learning something other than how to buy the newest pair of Manolo Blahniks at somewhat of a reasonable price, like less than $1,000. Ridiculous! I feel absurd and still somewhat whole and well rounded reading books that contain no substance other than expensive martinis and retail shopping at no consequence except for maybe the bad credit that will follow one that is a shopaholic likened in the heroic characters of my newly profound novels.

This world is completely foreign to me! I don't know whether I should try to control my urge to read these type books, in fear that they will rub off on me and my already ----aholic tendencies will continue and even worsen, or do I run with it- this is my new style, my new "grown-up" (ironic to me in a sense) way of thinking and interest. I suppose until I decide to stop all of the confusion and go with my usual choice of read: the self-help book, I will journey through the dangerous world of female drama and wishful thinking. Adios to the world of reality and depth, and a giant two checked "mmuah, mmuah" to the land of girly obliviousness!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Shout-out!!!

So this is my shout-out to my family and friends....cheeeeezzzyyy, I know, but I can't help it! I'm in the mood for it so...

I love my parents for all of their hard work and diligence at work and at raising a stubborn little girl like myself
I love Kurt for the kindness and patience that he has for me and life in general-you truly are amazing in my eyes and I love you more than anything in the world for all that you are
I love my parents-in-law for raising such a wonderful man for me to marry and for opening your home and hearts so much to me, I always feel welcome and loved!
I love my friends who stick by me, though I text and call at all odd times of the day with absolutely random questions and help complete me! :)

oh..and P.S. I love you Kitty Prancer Frost-she's our doggy that is more like a child to me! She's a good snuggler when Kurt's gone! :)

My shout-out is over!

My Prayer this Sunday

Happy Sunday! I just read the home teaching suggestion on the churches website and felt such a deep connection to the words that he spoke of prayer and the power it has. I know without a doubt in my heart and mind that prayer is powerful and one of the best things to do when in need. My prayers, I feel, are often asking for the same thing in different ways...but I have come to realize that my needs and prayers are just as powerful one day as they are the next and Heavenly Father listens and answers those prayers just the same! It is my fervent prayer that I can be a loyal, loving, and best wife that I can be for Kurt and that we have an always happy and healthy family. I pray that our good doings may help uplift others and that we will always strive to be there for one another. I also pray that we will find the strength to be the good leader and example for our future children as God would have us be.

I must confess that my life is full of bumps...I could even say pot holes and drain sewers, that I constantly fall into. I mess up alllllllll the time! But I know that Heavenly Father loves me just the same-flaws and all-so there's no need to give up trying to do better and praying for the strength to overcome it all!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The First Blog as Mr. and Mrs. Frost

Hello!!!!! So this is my first blog EVER and I'm very excited! Hopefully everyone will be able to keep in touch this way and we can share with y'all the joy we are having as newlyweds! :)
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