Saturday, February 25, 2012

Love's Embrace

The greatest thing in the world is a steamy (sometimes literally) embrace in the kitchen. This photo says it all What, where, when do you love secret embraces?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Getting Schooled!

I went to public school K-4 grade. Due to a discrepancy in grading from my fourth grade teacher, I had a rough year-to say the least! Education has always been important to my parents (they are both college professors) so my education, (being their only child) was of supreme importance...ohey vey! And, I'm so very proud and appreciative of their love, concern, strength, and passion for education! Due to their strong role in the education system, and the lack of trust with the current public school curriculum in our area at the time, they decided that I should (and could be) home schooled. I'm very grateful for their dedication and time spent with me for the sake of my little fifth grade mind! keep this story from boring everyone to death-sorry, if it already has-here's a list (yes, education done correctly! haha) of my education:

K-4th grade: Public School

5th-6th (up to Christmas break): Homeschool

6th (from the return of Christmas break)-7th grade (up to the following Christmas break. If you were unable to follow, that was a total of one whole year): Charter Academy

The rest of 7th grade: Homeschool

8th grade: Public School (think: the year from Hell!)

9th-12th grade: Homeschool/Jackson Community College (duel-enrollment program, which allowed me to graduate with my Associates degree when I was 18) Yay!

Fhew! That was intense!

What was you'r schooling like? I'm always interested in how people feel about pubic education, homeschooling, charter academies, etc... It's a hot topic, because of the importance, but I'm very interested in hearing you'r view point! Please share...

This is why I liked being home schooled, and why I love hearing about other people doing it:

Two great families that homeschool: here and here.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Crazy Dreams and Schemes

Lately, I've been waking up remembering my dreams...mostly because I am waking up in the middle of a dream as opposed to waking up never having gone to REM sleep at all! It's a MIRACLE I tell you! But, it really is! I missed remembering what I was dreaming about. It was a weird thing not knowing or remembering my thoughts-if I even had any! The down side is that I have been having very crazy dreams. Ones that you don't really want to wake up and remember. Today, I woke up crying because I was dreaming about a distant friend that randomly died in my dream. *This friend shall remain nameless* It was very odd. So I did the only normal thing for one to do...I instantly went online to facebook and checked out her facebook page! Rest assured, she's fine! But, now I wonder why I ever wanted to remember my dreams at all! Be careful what you wish for I guess right? What are you'r dreams like? Do you remember them?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Holy Pottery Barn!

Horrible pictures taken with my phone's camera, but great inspiration! :)

Love the chairs!

Paisley candles? What?

Vintage vase and greens.

Striped chair and old school bar.


Love the pattern combos!

Cages and vases, oh my!

I love me some great table-scapes!

Oh Baby!

I've got it again, that knot in my stomach, heartache. It almost feels like I'm grieving. Grieving a loss that I've never known. It's weird. But it's all coming together soon. ...It being a baby... Loving the pics from Leigh on her blog! Check out that baby bump! Another cool thing about her is that she is an advocate for natural birthing methods and nursing. Her tumblr is fab too and full of gorgeous breast feeding photos!
(P.S. Leigh, I'd love to feature you or get featured on your blog about our dreams for baby and breast feeding-in the future!)

Above images via: the bean and the bear

And then there's, this...

Image via: here


Image via: here

A man can never be as sexy as when he is fathering. :) Looking forward to when Kurt is a dad.
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