Friday, August 9, 2013

My tinest, huge miracle.

You are forever and always my baby. You came in a tiny little pakage, but you packed a huge punch, didn't you Olive? I'm in awe of you everyday and yet I become paralized at the thought that YOU are MINE. What the what?

You're six months old and hanging out in your 'exer-saucer'. It's a thing of the times that you put a little baby in and they can turn, bounce, make loud noises, and create general baby chaos that is contained and-more often than not-safe. You like it a lot. You can spend a lot of time (10-30 minutes) in there totally enamored with, none other than, the great white tag hanging from one of the "branches" of the "palm tree" that is unrealistically blue and green. You LOVE music, lights, sounds, OH MY! You laugh at daddy the most, but I can tell you think I'm funny too, you're just playing hard to get...I get it, I got your number little girl. You can see. You can hear. You can the left... but it's rolling so whatever. You're a little smarty pants we think. We should have known, our fab genes would combine and create a super-baby! But in all seriousness, your pretty awesome! Love you Olive! Happy six months!

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