Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's Tips: First Tip EVER!

Loving those bright poppies and tiny mini horse!

So I just had a brilliant idea of having a Tuesday's Tips series on my blog! Each week (obviously on Tuesday) I will post a tip. They will range from decorating tips to event planning/executing tips to how to fold a fitted sheet-you know, you all want to know! :) Sound good? Do you have any things that you would like me to cover in the Tuesday's Tips series? I'm excited!

For a little preview though, here is a mini tip, First Ever in the series:

(mini) Tip #1: Strategically place scented dryer sheets throughout drawers and closets in your home. I have a gillion in our linen closet and the table that sits next to our couch that is currently the home of all our blankets for the winter months! The idea is to not use sachets because they are an additional scent that may clash with the dryer sheets that you are already using. Plus, dryer sheets are much more pocketbook friendly than sachets and you can feel less guilty when throwing away a dryer sheet that has lost it's scent vs. throwing away an expensive, frilly, sachet that no longer has a scent. Sounds like a cent vs. scent,  win-win to me!

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